put it best:
Gardening builds an understanding of and respect for nature and our environment. It teaches our children to nurture and care for other living things while developing patience. A edible garden can motivate a child to eat and love fruits and vegetables. A garden, no matter how small can provide opportunity for hands on learning, inquiry, observation and experimentation. It can promote physical activity and quality outdoor experiences.
You do not have to plant a large garden to harness the benefits of outdoor learning.
A small toddler garden like this super cute one from The Imagination Tree will provide hours and seasons of dirt learning.
Or a small pot with a few sensory plants such as herbs like Rosemary and Mint.
Small or large, here are a few books that have inspired us, I hope they inspire you too. Here are some reviews from Barefoot Books.
Who's in the Garden (ages 1-4)
In this delightful peek-a-boo book, children are invited to look through the holes on every other page to answer the repeating refrain, “Who’s coming to see how my garden grows?” The energetic, rhyming text introduces all sorts of creatures that are busy in the garden.
Grandpa's Garden ages (3-7 years)
This beautifully told story follows Billy from early spring to late summer as he helps his grandpa on his vegetable patch. They dig the hard ground, sow rows of seeds, and keep them watered and safe from slugs. When harvest time arrives they can pick all the vegetables and fruit they have grown. Children will be drawn in by the poetry of the language and the warm illustrations, while also catching the excitement of watching things grow!
Kids Garden (ages 8 and up)
Get outside and grow with some child-friendly, gardening fun! Kids’ Garden includes forty activities and games and an eight-page booklet that contains information on gardening tools, year-round plant care and garden safety. These step-by-step instructions are enhanced by colorful collage artwork on each double-sided card and they create a fun and easy way for budding green-thumbs to plant, investigate, learn and experiment.
If you are interested in these or any other Barefoot Books, please contact me via My Marketplace, comment here, or Butterfly Book Nook FB page.
Happy Reading.
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